Burn Baby Burn

The day belonged to color war games and we were all outside playing all day long. There were basketball games, softball, volleyball, BBG & soccer bouts being played all day long. Campers were pushing themselves and so committed to their teams. They laid it all on the fields and courts. You have to see an intense soccer match being played with a field full of girls wearing tutus and face paint. It is the best part of Color War that we can play hard and continue to have the most amazing time with a sense of spirit that is infectious. You can’t watch any one of these games without watching everyone on the sidelines cheer on their team with undeniable support and camp spirit. It is the essence of what these games are about. Play hard, cheer harder and have the best time of your life!!!

The night belonged to Rope Burning. We all watched with great anticipation as the fire starters got their flames roaring. Both teams started with ease as Red Jocks and Gold Geniuses got their rope burning fires started easily. As it looked like it was going to be neck and neck, Red Jocks jumped ahead with a giant fire funnel that burned their rope before Gold Geniuses. The wind played a part as Gold’s fire was burning sideways and the time expired and their rope did not burn. Water boiling was equally challenging for both teams as the clock struck one hour and neither team successfully boiled their water.

The campers cheered with excitement and the spirit was off the charts.  We all got behind our teams tonight and participated in one longstanding Chen-A-Wanda tradition. As our CIT’s got emotional knowing this was their last official rope burning, you saw the spark engage in our first time campers as they now see what they have to look forward to for many years to come.  This tradition runs deep and connects the campers that have come before us, those that are here now and Rope Burning will still be here and alive for campers who will one day call Chen-A-Wanda their summer home.

Life is so Great at Camp Chen-A-Wanda.

Chenny Out