A Night to Remember – Sign & Song 2015

The sun was out in full force today and you could feel the excitement. Every area of camp was full of happy campers. From go-karts to gaga and everything in between was full of campers who had smiles on their faces and a sense of appreciation to be outside all day long playing with their friends. We have been here for almost a week and everyone has settled into their routine. Waking up to bugles and heading into the Lodge for breakfast in our jammies is what we do and feels like we’ve been doing this together for a lot longer than 5 days. The day was as close to perfect as perfect can get. When we see our children engaged, happy, connected and at ease, there is nothing that fills a parents heart more than that. We hope that the pictures and videos tell that story, that your children are engaged, happy, connected and at ease.

It was another afternoon of fun and games as our Chenny athletes hit the fields and courts.

Inter Girls Tennis – CAW 0 vs. Starlight 5

Super Girls Basketball – CAW 36 vs. B’nai Brith 10

Freshman/Junior Boys Soccer – CAW 0 vs. Starlight 8

Middy Boys Baseball – CAW 1 vs. Westmont 3

Collegiate Boys Roller Hockey – CAW 10 vs. Westmont 2

Collegiate Boys Soccer – CAW 9 vs. B’nai Brith 1

Senior/Super Boys LAX – CAW 16 vs. Tioga 17

The night belonged to our long-standing Chenny tradition, Sign & Song. This is where each bunk creates a plaque with every name of every camper and counselor living in that bunk which will be hung there for the rest of time. In every bunk there are plaques that date back decades and gives us a window to what it was like back then and it mirrors what will be for kids coming through Chenny now. Some things change and some stay the same and Sign & Song will always stay the exact same at Camp Chen-A-Wanda, that you can bank on. After plaque presentation, it was the Song portion of the night and this is where each bunk on girls side performs a dance. Each group got up on that stage and danced their hearts out. From our cutest and most adorable freshman all the way through our beautifully talented CIT’s, the rocked the house and had a ball. As each girls bunk danced with smiles on their faces, boys side stood on their seats with standing ovations. When one of us takes the stage, everyone at Chenny is there to back them up. This is why we call ourselves a family in every sense of the word, we are!!. Congratulations goes to tonights winners:

Lower Camp Boys Plaque Winner goes to Bunk A

Upper Camp Boys Plaque Winner goes to Bunk S

Lower Camp Girls Plaque Winner goes to Bunk G

Upper Camp Girls Plaque Winner goes to Bunk W

Lower Camp Best Dance goes to the ladies of Bunk L and Upper Camp Best Dance was awarded to the girls of Bunk Q

It was a night of pure magic and camp tradition but what happened after took my breath away. As the little kids were getting tucked into bed and we peaked in to make sure all were snug in their beds, what we saw would make anyone anyones heart melt. There, in boys bunk B we witnessed true camp magic. Their talented counselor had each camper in their bed, with the lights out as he went around the room asking for each camper to share their rose and their thorn for the day. When one camper shared that his rose was definitely baseball today and his thorn was wanting to get better at soccer. It was so beautiful to watch boys sharing at this level. Connecting to one another happens at camp. We listen and we share and we all come to the realization that everyone has their roses and everyone has their thorns.

Chenny out.