We're Off and Running
The sun was shinning bright on Fiddle Lake as the sounds of the bugle woke our camp up and we were ready to go. The weather couldn’t have been more perfect and it set the stage for one amazing second day. As campers settled in got into the swing of being here, excitement was in the air. This feeling was tangible and everyone could feel it. What adventures would this day bring? Too many to count.
The day was full of swim tests and team tryouts. Our Theater department held auditions for this summer’s production of The Wizard of Oz. It was one busy day and the kids loved every minute of the action.
Sign and Song is a very long standing camp tradition here at Chen-A-Wanda where each and every bunk will make a bunk plaque that will ultimately be hung on the bunk walls for years to come. In addition to the plaques, each bunk on girls side performs a dance and no time was wasted today. All you could see were girls bunks across center campus practicing their dance. Campers and counselors were working together as a team for one common goal. Camp pride ran high today and our girls had the best time. Lots of laughter and joy as they created their dances. We can’t wait to see the big show in a few days. Go Girls!!!
It was a perfect ending to a perfect day as we all sat the Rec Hall for a fantastic evening activity. Bruce Jacques thoroughly entertained us as we had a giant karaoke jam session. There wasn’t a camper sitting as we truly rocked out. Where else can you sing at the top of your lungs, dance without the fear of being judged, all while your friends are right by your side. That happens here and it is AWESOME! Almost unexplainable but we are sure grateful we got to experience it tonight.
All campers are asleep and camp is now quiet but not for long. Tomorrow is just a bugle away.