Happy Halloween
The Wanderers are back from their trip of a lifetime out West and as they rolled off the bus with suitcases in tow heading to their bunk, there was a group of Inter campers watching them in awe. I was watching this scene unfold as one camper said to her friend, “That will be us one day coming back from California, and I can’t wait.” Most of them started as Juniors and have literally grown up in front of our eyes and this was their turn to leave this bubble for a trip with the summer family they created. Trips to Camel Beach and Dorney Park were now the Santa Monica Pier and the Grand Canyon. It’s hard to believe it was their turn at this incredible trip but as time keeps moving forward so quickly, it is a joy we can’t quite explain seeing them in every stage grow into mature and capable Graduating Campers. So here is to our GC’s for being together for years and creating a bond that will never be broken. As for those Inter campers watching so intensely at the cool GC campers getting off the bus this morning, we say, In a blink of an eye that will be you.
And now a few scores from our Sports Center:
Inter Girls Soccer (Gold) – CAW 3 @ Tioga 1
Lower Camp Dance Competition @ Tyler Hill – CAW Places 1st
Freshmen/Junior Boys Tennis – CAW 0 vs. Starlight 5
Freshmen/Junior Boys Tennis (Gold) – CAW 0 vs. Starlight 5
Middy Boys Basketball – CAW 24 vs. Starlight 32
Middy Boys Soccer Tournament @ Camp Wayne – CAW 3 vs. Wayne 0 / CAW 7 vs. Westmont 0/ CAW 5 vs. Wayne 1
Collegiate Boys Softball – CAW 0 @ Lavi 2
The buzz on camp was all about Halloween and the campers couldn’t wait to get into their costumes and partake in our annual Chenny costume contest. There were football players and Elvis’s, lots of minions and babies, a few witches and ghosts and so many more awesome costumes. It was just a perfect evening of dressing up and having fun. The Seniors spooked everyone with their Haunted House and ghostliness. It was creepily cool and the campers loved it. The went in with screams and out with gasps. Nothing could be more fun than Halloween in July!!!!
After our contest it was Trick or Treat time. Each group went station-to-station collecting candy and having a ball. There was spooky music playing all throughout camp that added to the Halloween vibe. The mood was ghooly and everyone dressed up which made it so festive and fun. This camp has so much spirit you can actually feel it. As one camper looked inside his brown bag full of candy, he turned to his friend and said “Can camp get any better?” And as I overheard him, I couldn’t help but reply, YES IT CAN!!!! Just you wait for what is coming next.
The days seem to be moving more quickly as we have only 16 days left in paradise. But these last weeks are by far the best. We are not done yet, not even close!!!!
Chenny Out