Chenny's Got So Much Talent

It was 3rd period and I walked into ceramics where I saw a group of Collegiate boys having the best time using the pottery wheel. They were all laughing and so excited to show me their works of art. Some were creating hand made bowls and a few made coasters but why this moment stuck out to me today is because these same boys who were having a ball with clay just got off the field from a serious soccer game they had with their division. Their faces were flushed and they still had sweat running down their cheeks and  these kids went form a fierce game of soccer where they ran up and down the field  to sitting down  in Arts & Crafts making a creation with clay. They were focused and loved showing me what they were making. This is the Chenny kid in a nut shell. Fierce athletes playing with all heart, straight to ceramics as they so delicately molded a masterpiece. When you think of a well rounded kid who can pop in and out of activities that each equally engage their mind, body and spirit, you think of a Chenny Kid. This is what we do here and this is why your kids love spending their summers at Chenny.

It was a great and fun day for Chenny Sports.

Freshman/Junior Girls Soccer – CAW 0 vs. Tioga 5

Middy Girls Basketball – CAW 21 vs. Westmont 20

Senior Girls Basketball – CAW 8 @ B’nai Brith 25

Inter Girls Softball – CAW 3 @ Westmont 4

Middy Boy Baseball – CAW 30  vs. Lavi 29

Collegiate Boys Tennis – CAW 5 vs. Westmont 0

Senior Boys Baseball – CAW 8 @ Westmont 3

Tonight was all about our talented kids who get up on that stage and shined so bright. Before we were entertained by the plethora of talented Chenny Kids it was our Kind Camper Awards. We are pleased to announce that this week there even more nominations with kind acts happening every day by so many campers. It is with such joy that we announce this weeks Kindest Campers: Cami Platt, Alexa Becker, Julia Blee, Liam Irizarry, Bennet Goldstein, Sarah Kaplansky, David Stulberger, Sam Erlich, Sydney Steinberg, Zoe Grabow, Max Wasserman, Zoe Gorsky, Cole Weiss, Zoey Wood, Zach Olson ad Chloe Lebovitch. This Kind kids smiled from ear to ear as I announced their names and they got their tshirts. To be recognized by your peers for your kindness makes you feel just awesome.

To feel the love in Shields Hall tonight was to be in the presence of something pretty special and moving. When our kids take that stage, no matter if they  play guitar, sing a song or do tricks with their diablo, they receive an ovation of cheers followed by hundreds of people screaming, YOU ARE A SUPER STAR. Can you imagine the feeling of getting that response when you put your talent out their in the Chen-A-Wanda universe? It’s insanely awesome and those kids who performed loved every minute of it. Confidence is built here and support thrives amongst us all. We love making out fellow campers feel the love and tonight was off the charts. We know that for those 30 campers who stood on that stage and entertained us all tonight, they felt the love. We all felt it and you couldn’t help but leave Shields Hall tonight with huge smile and a happy heart.

Chenny out.