Chenny Idol Is In The Air

We had a great day of activities, hobby and games. The weather was beautiful with a nice breeze and made the day so enjoyable.  Throughout camp the focus was on our evening activity. You could see our Top Ten Finalists gather their friends around as they rehearse their songs for the last time before the big show. Nerves were high and the excitement grew stronger. They all know what is at stake and want the ultimate prize: to be named our 2010 Chenny Idol, to receive a star in our School of Rock and to get a limo for his/her bunk/entourage and get a night out on the town for dinner.  The entire camp is getting behind their favorite finalist and encouraging them to go all the way.

The show was fantastic with all ten singing their hearts out.  The crowd was clapping along and it felt just like idol with our three celeb judges chiming in with their thoughts after each performance. All ten were amazing and captivated the audience. We are so proud of our talented campers. No matter who moves on to the final 3, we couldn’t be happier for them all. It takes an enormous amount of courage, self confidence and belief in ones self to get up on that stage and sing whats in their heart. So we applaud you Daniel Gur, Jake Quadrino, Julia Blee, Julia Bromley, Julie Mendelson, Alissa Abramson, Alyssa Innamorato, Sofie Wolf, Carly Wills and Jessica Leason.

Top three will be announced tomorrow at breakfast. Good luck!!!

Chenny out.