Virtual Visiting Day!
It was our first ever Virtual VisitingDay and it was a success. It was joyful getting to watch your campers face when they got to go through their visiting day box with you at home. The candy and gifts and a piece from home made today that more special. Kids were loving shlepping their goodie box back to their bunk to share with their friends and were smiling ear to ear. It was a different kind of Visiting Day and yes we are all so excited to have camp full again with our visiting families but for today, it was just great. From inside camp, your kids were so excited to see you at home and share all their adventures and experiences with you. They loved their goodie boxes full of candy and other fun things you put in their but seeing your faces was all they needed. This must have been a new experience for you too as you may not be used to or have ever face-timed your kids for 30 minutes. Considering the circumstances, we wanted you to have those moments with your kids that allowed you enough time to hear all the incredible things they are doing this summer and all the amazing people who have entered their life. There is an entire group of people here who adore your kids and though this summer, you wont have the opportunity to meet them and hear all about how much they care for your children but believe us when we say, they do! It’s such a unique summer and we are so beyond grateful to be able to provide your kids with this experience. They are thriving here and they are safe and happy. That is our only goal. We wish those families who have their virtual visit tomorrow, a great one. It’s so great to be able to see their faces and hear their voices and know they are doing amazing.
Tonight was as incredible as the day. It was an ideal perfect summer night. The entire camp was at Biddy City and we were entertained but he coolest BMX bike show ever. They dazzled us with their crazy cool tricks and jumps. The kids loved it. When the entire camp comes together, there is an energy that is indescribable. It is what makes us one summer camp family. The chants and cheers and spirit is contagious. The vibe is pure happiness and the connections are deep. It is magic and it is real. Tonight felt like a great camp night; all together watching a fun show, laughing with friends without a care in the world. That is what camp is all about.