Trip Day Tuesday
It was our first official trip day of the summer. The campers were so excited for their trip as they all left camp in their Gold Chenny T-shirt.
Freshmen, Juniors and Middies enjoyed their day at the Crayola factory. They made their very own crayon and had so much fun with all the interactive activities they got to do and play with. Even though your kids are big enough that they spend their summer at sleep away camp, they still loved their day at the Crayola Factory.
Inters & Collegiate’s spent their day jumping around Skyzone and followed it up with an evening ice skating. It was full day of fun and play of our Mohican campers. They came back to camp exhausted after a full day of serious play. It was a perfect day for the kids.
Seniors, Supers and GC’s started their day at the movies and followed it up with some fun ice skating at the rink. It was an absolute fun day for our oldest campers who loved munching on popcorn watching the summer blockbusters and then putting on this skates and having a ball ice skating with their besties!. Just an awesome time had by all.
Our CIT’s spent their day visiting Syracuse University and then it was off to the mall for some fun shopping and a dinner. They are the big kids on camp and they chose where they wanted to go today. The smiles and bags of goodies they came back with said it all.
It was just an incredible day spent outside camp for all our kids who had fun and made memories. Leaving camp is super cool but there is nothing like coming back home. Lights are out, kids are sleeping peacefully, everyone is exhausted and it was a GREAT day! It has been so long since we’ve had trip days at Chenny and its feels so great.
Kids are happy, Staff are happy – Life is Great at Camp CHEN-A-WANDA.