The Lucky Ones

In exactly three weeks from this moment,  your kids will be back home with you. Hard to believe how fast the days are passing. We know how quick times goes here at camp and we don’t want to waste a second, a minute, a moment. We hosted a rookie day today and welcomed a whole group of kids who spent the day with us seeing if Chenny was a right for them for next summer. When the day wrapped up, I over heard a rookie boy run to his mom and dad and say, ” I am definitely going to this camp next summer. Mom, can I just stay now? Please can I stay?” This is what this place does to you, it makes you want to stay here because when you are here, it just feels good. Your kids for the next three weeks, get to feel and experience this place in all its glory. As that rookie boy headed to his car, he thanked me for a fun day and told me how lucky all the kids  are that go here because he just had the best day of his life here and they get to wake up here tomorrow. Yes, we are the lucky ones who get to wake up at Chenny and do this again tomorrow.


Collegiate LAX – CAW 7 vs. Wayne 1

Senior Soccer – CAW 5 @ Starlight 3

Super Softball – CAW 5 vs. Wayne 0


Senior/Super LAX Championship – CAW 12 vs. Starlight 4 – Chenny Wins Championship

Awards at The Amphitheater is always a fun evening as we all sit together under the lights celebrating our standout campers who deserve the recognition. We brought back this camp tradition and the campers are absolutely loving it. It feels so campy to be outside, singing songs and dancing as one camp family. A huge congratulations to our Week 4 Campers of the. Week. Our camp is better because these campers are here with u s.

Girls Side: 

Freshman – Savi Yecies

Junior – Dylan Allaire

Middies – Skyler Rudnick- Fernand & Ava Rudnick-Fernand

Inters – Dylan Tacktill

Collegiaties – Hayley Price

Seniors – Eve Lindenauer

Supers – Mia Koenig

CIT – Addy Rubovitz

Boys Side:

Freshman – Chase Pillersdorf

Junior – Benji Spivak

Middies -Spencer Braverman & Gabe Porat

Inters – Harrison Pilkington

Collegiates – Miles Geller

Seniors –  Nick Einzig

Supers – Cole Sadofsky

CIT’s – Dylan Nydish

Kindness is spreading and our Week 4 Kind Campers are so deserving of this honor.  There is just nothing sweeter than calling their names and seeing the deep pride on their faces as they run to the stage to get their shirt and snap a photo. Its a moment that I know will stay with them forever. When the entire camp recognizes you as a kind kid, there is just nothing sweeter. – Girls Side: Emma Rice, Mia Steinberg-Rodriguez, Gabby Hassenbein, Emme Shulman, Mila Kovelman, Skyler Rosenberg, Savy Lieberman, Jagger Sacks, Morgan Fischer, Brier Schweibel, Madison Frankel, Lyla Miller, Marissa Holzman, Morgan Bassuk, Pauline Blash Boys Side: Spencer Weinstein, Mason Friedman, Mason Kohen, Luca Heiferman, Levi Sarrell, Max Israel, Noah Sitman, Samuel Heinl, Parker Agulnick, Max Goodman, Troy Golden.