Circus Came to Chenny

The sun was out and the day was incredible. It is as if we all now our time here is numbered in days so we are doing every activity, we are playing every game and we are getting it all in before August 14th. With only two weeks to go, life continues to be great up here and the smiles on your children’s faces say it all.  But it’s just not time yet to pack our bags because….. 1, 2, 3, 4 we want a Color War. The chatter is here and Color War is definitely in the air. We inadvertently (or not) blew a few wrong bugles today and every camper picked up on it. The Color War vibe has arrived at Chenny and it’s just the beginning.

A GIANT congratulations to this weeks Campers of the Week. They earned the recognition and we are so proud our kids who talk the talk and walk the walk. They keep on spreading joy and good vibes all throughout camp.

Rookies – Stephanie Sklar & Jesse Lederman

Freshman – Mia Kepke & Lucas Pillersdorf

Junior – Brooke Arenberg & Brody Adler

Middies – Ava Mallin & Nate Wellikoff

Inters – Maya Porat & Cole Rand

Collegiates – Sammy Simson & Jason Benisch

Seniors – Abby Isaacson & Austin Levitz

Supers – Ellie Kertzner & Jack Komson

GC’s – Taylor Diamond & Griffin Gurewicz

Boy did we put on a show tonight as our Circus show took our breath away.We had tumblers and acrobats, adagios and lyra performances. There were single trapezes and spanish web and our kids dazzled us with their abilities on the triple trapeze and the big rig too. To watch our kids create a performance that defies gravity and takes total 100% concentration and are able to execute with such ease and grace is a testament to our Circus Directors and specialists. Heather, Andrew, Parker, KJ, Zahara and Virgil produced a show that was INCREDIBLE. From start to finish our minds were blown as we watched our kids do things that they only learned here at camp. They were brave and fierce, talented and composed.  You just can’t imagine how spectacular your kids were as they were the main acts. To watch you kids pour their heart and soul into this program and show us all what dedication looks like is truly what its all about. There is nothing they can’t do when they apply themselves and try until they nail it. So many kids may look at that huge trapeze and see it’s enormity as something they can’t do but this summer, our campers saw what they can do and we could not be more proud of each one of them. So many kids in the audience were in awe and said to me afterwards that next year they DEFINITELY trying out for the Circus show. They soared tonight and literally flew to new heights. They worked so hard and it showed. The show was phenomenal, funny, entertaining, electric and just awesome. Here is to our incredible team who taught our children to dream big and fly high!!!!!