3 Baby Birds
Before the campers arrived to camp, we discovered a bird that was nesting on her three eggs waiting for them to hatch. This mama bird made her spot right on the road next to the soccer field. Everyday, campers would walk by this bird and take note of its process. There was a giant growing concern from each camper about its safety due to its location. We made a barrier for its safety and ensured that no flying soccer balls or running campers would pose a threat. This mama bird proudly sat atop of her 3 eggs day after day after day while the daddy bird was sitting across on a tree branch, looking over making sure his family was safe. We all have become part of this birds family. Since the kids arrived, not a day has gone by without campers gently peering and saying hello to the mama bird as she sits on these eggs waiting for them to hatch. When campers would get close to take a look, she would spread her wings and chirp so loud as to protect her babies is her only job. No rain storm, or wind or the 100’s of campers walking by her daily or even the soccer games she is next to would take this mama bird away from her eggs until they were ready to hatch. Today, they hatched. All 3 baby birds were ready to make their entrance and every camper was so excited with the news that the mama birds babies were safe. The kids were so excited and we truly became part of this process with this unlikely mama bird and her babies. When I think about it, WE are that mama bird who sits and protects until their babies are ready, then we send them off to fly. It was a beautiful to see and a daily reminder to everyone who walked by and witnessed the love of a mama bird. Thank you all for being incredible mama birds.
“Inhale Confidence, Exhale Doubt” – Anonymous