Powder Puff Under the Lights

It was a great day full of activities and fun. Girls campus was in heavy duty practice mode for tomorrow night’s Girls Sing. All the divisions are working hard on their performances. This tradition runs deep at Chen-A-Wanda and everyone is looking forward to the big show.

As the day fell into dusk, it was all about Powder Puff! The flag football game was on between our GC girls & our CITs/Waitresses. The GCs dressed in black and the CITs/Waitresses were all in white. The competition was fierce and the stakes were high. Which of the divisions would hold the title as our 1st official Powder Puff Champions? The GC boys and CIT/Waiters got into the action as they cheered, danced, twirled and provided our halftime entertainment. Wait till you see the video. You have to see it to believe it.

After four quarters, it was official. THE GC’S WON IT ALL in a 21-7 Victory. Congratulations to all our tough football playing girls and our extremely spirited cheer boys!!!

Another fantastic day at CAW.