A Marvelous Monday at Camp CHEN-A-WANDA

The weather was perfect, the campers were happy, the activities were going, the games were being played & friendships were growing. Another glorious day of activities was happening at our beautiful camp.

School of Rock is in full swing. There were guitar, keyboard and drum lessons happening today. The campers were also getting vocal lessons and loved singing with one another. Many campers had the opportunity to record tracks in the recording studio. Campers are making their very own demos and will be bringing home their own CD’s. Our music program is becoming one of the most popular here at camp. We are so thrilled to be able to offer this new program to our campers.

The campers jumped around tonight at our mass Dance Dance Revolution evening activity. They worked up a sweat and competed with one another to be the named DDR king & queen.

Our camp has never had this much spirit, this much enthusiasm, this much excitement. CHEN-A-WANDA is alive with spirit.

Everyone is getting psyched for our first trip tomorrow, Camel Beach here we come!