Let the Games Begin

There are certain things Chenny campers can count on and Olympics is high on that list. It is a camp tradition that is rich with history and meaningful for everyone that spends their summers at CAW. There was a buzz all around camp today about when Olympics would break out.  It’s typically around this time but you just never really know even if you think you do. The anticipation makes it that much more exciting. You could actually feel the energy in the air and its is in every corner of camp. Just when you think you may hear the Olympic song over the loud speakers, you may have to wait a bit longer. The entire camp was enjoying snack call and the campers were positive it was time. They truly couldn’t enjoy their snacks as the anticipation was killing them. You could literally see the angst and excitement waiting and listening as they were sure it would break at snack call. As the bugle blew for the next activity period , all the kids were cautiously walking and still waiting for that big moment.

Deep into activity 3, the Olympic Fanfare song started playing and sent chills up our spine and out from the The Lodge came our Head Counselors with a lit torch symbolizing Olympics is upon us. The entire camp ran into Shields Hall knowing what is bay out to happen. Olympics 2022 is here!! There is no more waiting or wondering. The gas are upon us.

We announced the Sergeants and Captains and highlighted what the games are all about. We will compete. We will play hard. We will show spirit and dedication. We will play fair but most importantly we will have fun in our Olympic Games 2022!  Our camp is now split in three equal teams, Red Mexico, Blue United Kingdom and Gold Belgium.

Just when we thought that camp could not possibly get any better, Olympics takes us to a whole new level. Tonight was a great night as we started our battle with Tugs of War. There has never been a Camp Chen-A-Wanda TUGS OF WAR WITH MORE SPIRIT AND INTENSITY.  It was an electric night up on our small soccer field.  We are so proud to be part of these games as we watch your children thrive to be the best they can be. For the next 2 days, we will eat, breath and sleep Olympics. We will win and we will loose but most importantly we are all part of something bigger than us that drives us all to a shared goal. Another reason why this experience is profound and meaningful as it pushes us to be the best versions of ourselves. Let the Games Begin!