BRAVO to Boys Side
There are certain camp traditions you can always count on at Chenny and Boys Lip Sync is definitely one of them. For decades, this camp favorite has successfully allowed boys side to just let it all out there and embrace the performer inside of them. There is something quite unique about this day that brings boys side closer together and bonds become stronger. In between activities and utilizing any down time, boy divisions were practicing their act and working hard to learn lyrics and dances. All throughout camp today you could see boys side work together, coordinate their dance steps, laugh a lot and ultimately have the absolute best time continuing this crazy fun camp tradition. From the cutest Freshman to to the coolest CIT’s, Boys side was rockin’ today and everyone was ready to watch the big show.
Inter Tenis – CAW 4 vs. Poyntelle 1
Super Tennis – CAW 0 vs. Wayne 5
Super Basketball – CAW 19 vs. Poyntelle 39
SUPER/GC/CIT Basketball Tournament at Tyler Hill : CAW made it to the finals – CAW 28 vs. Westmont 32. Way to go Girls!!!
Inters Tennis – CAW 2. vs. Poyntelle 3
Collegiate Softball – CAW 1 @Westmont 6
Senior/Super Hockey – CAW 5 vs. Westmont 7
Tonights evening activity is the most perfect example of why the bonds are so tight here and the vibes are so good. Where can you just let go and not worry about wearing a tutu as you dance across the stage jamming out with your air guitar. You do that right here and you will have an entire hall of people, cheering you on and singing with you. For boys side, these remarkable moments will forever stay in your campers memory. It was a standout show and boys brought the entertainment tonight. Girls side, was up on their feet, cheering them along, singing with them. When you are in Shields Hall experiencing Boys Lip sync, these words come to mind: Unity, Connection, Having Fun, Spirit, Freedom, Fearless, Bonding, Support, Entertaining, Funny and Tradition. We thank boys side for putting on a great show and a huge congrats to Lower Camp winners, Middies Michael Jackson and Upper Camp, CITaylor Swift!!
As everyone went to their bunks for the night, our GC’s were just getting started as they boarded the bus heading to the airport for their West Coast adventure. They have been waiting a longtime for this incredible trip and it happens tonight!! GC’s are on their way.
Oh, how life is so great at Camp Chen-A-Wanda.