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We Got Brains

There is nothing that would get in the way of our Color War and with the last day of rain for our summer (yes the next 5 days are going to be gorgeous ) we got to business with some pivots. That is why having the best team on the planet who can create a day of competitions independent of the rain, made today amazing. There were points to earn and our campers were ready for it and there is always time for Song practice.

By free play the skies were blue and the rain was gone. The energy is high here and the campers are in it. They have been putting all their energy into their games but tonight it our was brains that we relied on. Quiz night brought out the braniacs and the more you know the better. It was our version of Jeopardy and not only do we have strong and competitive athletes, we have incredibly smart and academic kids and staff. Impressive on all fronts. At the end of Quiz night and after all the events thus far, 18 points separate these two teams (Red Pop 1,666 vs. Gold Country 1,648) with thousands of points still out there. We are halfway through this Color War and regardless of how tired, exhausted, wet, run down we are this is where we dig deep and keep on moving forward. The team depends on all of us and each of us depends on the team. We can’t do it alone and we wouldn’t want to. This is where champions are made.

Games, Games and More Games

It was a day of games and even when the rain came, we played. Gaga in the rain  is something special and the fun that the kids had was so special. Yes it rained, yes it was wet, yes we jumped in puddles, yes we got muddy and yes we had the greatest day. Every summer I learn a lot from our campers and jumping in puddles and playing in the rain is one of them. There is something to be said to be so carefree that playing in the rain, sliding in mud and a game of waterpolo in the pool with a downpour of rain just makes you happy. There is no care about how wet we are, what our hair looks like and how messy we feel. All that matters is how much fun we are having and how each of us is pulling for our team and giving it our all. That is how your kids are approaching this Color War. I heard one camper said to another, ” If Taylor Swift can perform in the rain, we can too”. Today was a celebration of hard work, lots of spirit, a desire to win and a lot of wet clothes and smiling faces. From Basketball to Newcombe to Wiffleball to Flag Football and more, it was a full day of competitions and your kids had an absolute ball. Our campers brought the focus, they brought the fiercenesses and they definitely brought the fun!

At tonights evening lineup, the scores were read and only 1 point separates them. We know that it is only the first day of competitions but this a sign that our splits were really really good. There was a Super girls basketball game happening in Shields Hall and everyone playing gave 10000%. The gym was packed with campers who had finished their games and came to support and watch the game. The girls put it all out there on the court and played their hearts out. It didnt matter that they were literal bunkmates, this was a competition and no matter if your bestie was on Red Pop and you are on Gold Country, they battled it out on the hardwood. Red Pop to the W this time but there are more competitions to go. It’s just the beginning.

Our campers spent the evening cheering on their counselors as they played basketball, soccer and a wiffleball game. It was Staff Game Night and all our courts and fields were full of campers watching their counselors and cheering them on. A perfect way to end an amazing day by watching our incredible staff and cheering them on. Best news, we get to do it again tomorrow!

We Got Ourselves A Color War

It was a great day for a Color War and todays break was rockin’. The entire camp was at joint line up this morning at biddy city and there was nothing out of the norm until a tractor came rolling through Camp Rd. with a country band jamming to so great country tunes. The entire camp jumped up and followed the tractor as they sang along to some country hits. It was a party and everyone ended at the Amphitheater where our DJ was playing some pop songs. It was a battle of country vs. pop songs and we all got into the spirit. We danced and we sang and we had ourselves a Color War.

It was afternoon of Tugs of War followed by Contest night. What an amazing start to our Color War. The spirit was off the charts, the vibe at camp was truly amazing and your kids are having the best time of their lives. It feels absolutely incredible here and we are all ready for it.  The axe hunt began today and the CIT’s for Red Pop found it with the second clue during the dinner hunt. Layla Bruno and Josh Kaftol found the axe and ran into the Lodge and the place went nuts. To find the axe on day 1 is a fete and rarely is that accomplished but this dynamic duo found it and brought the axe back to their team and the celebration was beyond BIG!! They deserved the chants and the cheers from their team because they accomplished something pretty big and finding that axe will be a memory with them their whole lives. Moments like these help define our camp experience and tonight Layla and Jacob were hero’s for their team.

Four more days of of this insane Color War craziness and we love every minute of it!  Let’s Go Gold Country vs. Red Pop

OBL Day at CAW

It was OBL Day at CAW, and it was nothing short of spectacular. This 1v1 tournament has become a huge hit at Chenny, and both I and OBL creator, NBA Hall of Famer Tracy McGrady, couldn’t be more thrilled. The energy on camp was electric from sunrise to sunset, with the entire day dedicated to 1v1 basketball. We were honored to have  OBL Champion John Jordan and NY street ball stars Leaky Roof and Pyrex spend the day with us, and our campers and staff loved every moment of today.

The 1v1 trend is real, and Biddy City was buzzing with tournaments all day long. We held camper tournaments throughout the day, with each division represented by players battling it out on the court.  Congratulations to Maya Park  who won for lower camp girls and Mia Donnson who cinched it for upper camp girls. Rezner Sacks took the win for lower camp boys and  Alex Lindenbaum won for upper camp boys. After Upper camp had their OBL tournament, it was off to the movies for them for their last official trip of summer 2024.

I would have to say that one of the best parts of today was during rest hour when I brought the players to the bunks for some pics and autographs and when the players got to the freshman girl bunks, they just couldn’t leave. The girls brought out their skin care and gave some of their croc jibits to the players.  Then is was bracelet making time and the players walked out of their bunks with their wrists full of summer friendship bracelets that they wore all day long. There is nothing cuter than a streetballer from NY proudly wearing a pink and purple rainbow loom bracelet and  lipstick, dinosaur and unicorn jibits in his croc all from the freshman girls who made them feel right at home in their bunk.

The excitement was palpable, and when the evening activity rolled around, the staff joined in on the action with their own 1v1 tournament. The campers got behind their counselors, and it was pure magic. The positive energy was everywhere, making it one of those unforgettable days all around the game of basketball. A truly memorable day of summer 2024.

It’s Just A Feeling

We were touring a family today that is looking at Chen-A-Wanda for their son for next summer. It was a great tour and this family seemed to enjoy it. They had all the right questions and at times just stood and looked at the fun that was being had here as if they were trying t0 envision if they could see their son here. They were quiet and pensive but very engaged and as the tour ended, the mom pulled me aside and told me that we were their last camp tour and they had visited 3 others. She said to me, “Every camper here looks so unbelievably happy and at ease. Counselors look equally happy and the feeling here is joyful ” I told her how happy I was to hear her thoughts on what she saw and how it felt here. She followed up by telling me that though our grounds were beautiful and activities impressive, that is not what she was looking at. She wanted to see everything but the stuff and what she was looking for was how happy the kids looked and how engaged the counselors were with their kids. That meant everything to this family and the only thing that mattered. By watching your kids today, this visiting family felt what we feel here everyday and there was no doubt that this is exactly where she wants her son to be at next summer. They signed up before they left and in her own words, “It’s a no brainer. This is how I want my son to feel everyday next summer.” So because of your kids feeling happy and at ease, a brand new camper gets to experience it too next summer for their first time.

Girls Side Sports:

Freshman 0 vs. Junior 5 Tennis Tournament Teams – Juniors Win!

Inters Soccer – CAW 13 vs. Poyntelle 3 – CAW WINS CHAMPIONSHIP!!

Seniors Tennis – CAW 2 vs. Starlight 3

Boys Side Sports: 

GC/CIT Tenniw – CAW 2 vs. Westmont 3

GC/CIT Soccer – CAW 3 vs. Westmont 4 (in overtime )

It’s Awards Night  and it was a perfect night to celebrate our  standout campers. Another week of watching incredible kids be their best. We are always so proud to highlight our Campers of the Week. 

Freshman – Eden Cohen & Cameron Sylvin

Juniors – Laila Perlman, Savy Lieberman & Dylan Deitch, Aidan Steinman

Middies – Sophia Gene, Dylan Allaire & Ryan Zaben

Inters – Arya Haaf, Kelsey Locker & Cooper Repinsky, Noah Sittman

Collegiates – Liv Penson & Gabe Horton

Seniors – Shayna Simson & Mason Shulman

Supers – Jaden Bugni & Nick Einzig

GC’s – Sofie Giarratana, Dylan Schissler & Max Schwartzberg, Jake Mongeluzo

CIT – Ellie Berlin & Morgan Kushner

We are looking at our final 10 days of Summer 2024 but that is plenty of time for a Color War and more.Let’s get to it!