Hanna and I met in 2015. It was her first summer and my second. She worked in the kitchen, while I was an Assistant Head Counselor for Navajo boys.
Initially, we only saw each other in the lodge or just in passing. I’ll never forget the way she looked at me then because it’s the same way she does now, the slight head tilt, soft, kind big brown eyes, near crater sized dimples, and pursed lips…..rendered me helpless. Without fail, my heart, stomach, and smile would instantly drop, turn, and grin every time I entered the lodge. It became an obstacle to navigate the steps without tripping.
It wasn’t long until we met up at Chet’s and quickly learned that we had several commonalities. They included our shared love for obscure animals, visiting national parks, traveling, and laughing. It’s a tad funny that we both agreed that we are each the nicest person either of us has ever met – it was instant trust.
Soon after, Hanna and I spent an overnight to Niagara Falls, and the rest is history. After nearly three years of traveling between the U.S. and Hungary, we are proud to report that we got engaged in Greece in July and married in Las Vegas, where we currently reside.
It’s a remarkable feeling to know that you have the ability to care about someone more than yourself. Three years ago, I would have never imagined that my name would be synonymous with marriage, but it is and I’m absolutely thrilled about it.
We couldn’t be happier with the outcome of our chances of meeting at CAW. Many thanks to everyone for the good wishes, encouragement, and support.
I wanted to give a super ‘Thank You’ to Brian Leahy for the willingness to recommend an old friend to experience camp, Jon and Elisa Grabow for granting me the opportunity to grow as a person and ultimately meet my wife, and lastly Kevin Breen, for helping me to realize that I would kick myself if I didn’t follow up with Hanna when the summer of 15′ was over. So, I took his advice, now we get to live the summer of 2015 for the rest of our lives. Thanks, Kev, we miss you brotha!
Happy #WandaWednesday!
Happy Valentine’s Day all!