Color War Spirit is Contagious

Every summer is different and each Color War has it’s own character and feeling as well. The only way to fully describe what is happening here at camp is INSANE SPIRIT & ENERGY and It’s CONTAGIOUS. The campers are 100% into it and the staff has enough energy to power up an entire city. The feeling is fun not fierceness, camaraderie not cut throat competition and spirit prevails over all. It is palpable and you can’t walk 10 feet  without seeing the energy and feeling the fun. Teams are cheering on one another and encouraging everyone around them to be involved and be a part of something pretty special. Everyone matters in Color War. Every at bat, every catch, every basket counts. You are part of something bigger than yourself and that is why Color War is so special to each and every one of us. It is why we come together and have each others back during Color War. It is how we bond and how we play that defines the brilliance of Color War. No matter a win or a loss, we keep going and do our part for the greater good.

The Senior girls were at Wiffle Ball and as I walked up to watch their game, I couldn’t quite tell if it was a game or a dance party. The fun all of these girls were having was the story of the day. The girls were dancing in between each at bat and even the batter got in a few moves before she swung the bat. It was a party up at Wiffle Ball with one of the kids saying to me, “I had no idea Wiffle Ball was this much fun.” You just couldn’t help but smile and nor could they. It was contagious and what this War is all about. Our kids are loving life and feeling free. They are experiencing intense fun and joy. It is why we send them to camp and they are at the pinnacle of happiness. If we could bottle up the spirit and energy here at camp it could move mountains. What is happening here at camp is what we all want and desire for our kids – to feel joy, to have purpose and to be surrounded by the most supportive and energetic community. There is nothing quite like the feeling of Color War and we have 3 more days of pure joy.

This Color War is so close and the teams are within a mere 31 points of each other. Red Medieval Madness has earned 1396 points with Gold Sci-Fi Fantasy  just in their rear view mirror with 1365 points. It is anyones War as these teams head into Quiz night tonight. Tonight was all mental as campers and staff had to answer questions about anything and everything from pop culture to math equations to Camp Chen-A-Wanda facts and everything in between. All day, our bodies were challenged and tonight we stretched and challenged our minds.  There isn’t a camper or staff who isn’t giving it their all and pushing it to the limit. It is an outstanding Color War and with just 3 more days to go and the scores so close, it is anyones game. So here is to 3 more amazing days of exhaustion, exhilaration, competition and meaningful moments. Bring it on!

Chenny out.